5D basics

Attachments – How to deal with them when interested in Enlightenment

    ” The root of suffering is attachment.”        We all know by now this teaching of Buddha, not only of Buddha; it’s practically a prerequisite for enlightenment in any traditional school of knowledge. This teaching says that one has to let go of attachments (attachments to people, attachments to things, attachments […]

5D basics

What does it mean to evolve as a human being?

  Evolution in our world is often associated with technology and AI. In spite of technological advancements though, the individual doesn’t seem to grow in content and fulfillment on an emotional level.The individual seems to fight depression, unworthiness, high level of stress and insecurity no matter how “developed” the society he lives in is.   […]

5D basics

Love as a corrupted file

  I am going to dare an analysis of the concept of Love and I’m going to state that we don’t truly understand this principle of creation. And because we don’t truly get it, we’ve distorted it. We’ve assigned limited meanings to this generic word – Love – that we use to express different things […]