5D basics

What’s the right prosperity for you?

While we develop the awareness of making the subconscious conscious we could also try a fast track solution. You want to create/attract a better life experience for yourself but you don’t know exactly what you want, you can’t name it or put a finger on it. But for sure you know how you want to feel, right? Well, that’s enough. Focus on that. Do things that make you feel how you want to feel (no matter how insignificant) or do nothing but feel like you want to feel. The law of attraction will respond to that. 

  There is no doubt that we as human beings always strive towards prosperity. It’s a most natural desire. Yet, did it ever cross your mind that prosperity and wealth might actually mean very different things for every different one of us?

    Take a little time and ponder on how we all just adopted the same idea of prosperity. It’s like, by default, we’re suppose to aim and reach after  as much money as possible, as many properties as possible, a highly-respectable social status and so on, you get the point. These “goals” are quite deeply craved in our minds since childhood. We have just adopted them, we have been implanted with them and we hardly ever question them. 

    What if we can afford a moment to ask ourselves: is this what I really want? Enough of us can answer that quite promptly: No, it’s not. The next question in line is: What do I want? And this is difficult to answer for many of us. It’s where we can get stuck in our inquiry. We can’t say exactly what we want so we decide to go back to the status quo and keep doing what everybody else is doing.

    It is quite obvious in the recent years that more and more individuals are starting to awaken to a new perception of life. They realise they are deeply unhappy so they embark on a journey of self-discovery.

   If I don’t know what I want it’s because I don’t know myself well enough yet. There are parts of us, aspects of us that we ignored or dissociated with for so long that we lost touch with them. I mean, we lost touch with ourselves. For the sake of being a good fit in society or in our families, we just ignored our true desires.

   Hence, they became subconscious. They stayed hidden until we realised there is no way you can be fulfilled wholeheartedly unless you address and express your true identity.

   It’s time to make subconscious conscious. This is not a smooth journey. It shouldn’t matter though. And the better it gets the better it gets. 

   Let’s go back to our question: what do I really want? If you can’t answer that right away start with what you don’t want. It’s easier in the beginning to identify what we don’t want. Try not to compromise and what you really need and want will reveal itself to you.

   Everybody knows by now, to some degree, about the law of attraction. What not everybody knows is that the law of attraction responds to your conscious mind as well as to your subconscious mind. In other words, maybe your conscious mind desires let’s say

to have a baby, but in the same time your subconscious mind is terrified with the idea due to childhood/family history. Your subconscious mind is worried and seriously afraid that you won’t be able to be a good parent, and your childhood story will repeat itself. Until your conscious and subconscious aspects are in harmony, you will send mixed signals and you will literally confuse the law of attraction. Hence the chaos in our lives.

   While we develop the awareness of making the subconscious conscious we could also try a fast track solution. You want to create/attract a better life experience for yourself but you don’t know exactly what you want, you can’t name it or put a finger on it. But for sure you know how you want to feel, right? Well, that’s enough. Focus on that. Do things that make you feel how you want to feel (no matter how insignificant) or do nothing but feel like you want to feel. The law of attraction will respond to that. 

   Prosperity and wealth for one individual can be a quiet, low profile life in a comfortable accommodation as closer to nature as possible. For another could be teaching and earning that respectable academic status and that satisfaction of molding and shaping young minds. For another could be fame as an artist, some people do desire a high profile lifestyle, but for God’s sake,  not all of us.

   Prosperity for a rebellious soul could be to have the freedom to move around, to travel and explore. This kind of person would not be happy living as a successful and responsible businessman  in a luxurious mansion.

    Some people are fulfilled just by running a small business and being an active part of their community always surrounded by friends and family. 

     A librarian could feel more satisfied in life than a CEO of a fancy company if that’s his/her vocation.

     Prosperity and wealth can happen on all levels in all walks of life and they are just as valid. Sometimes we are truly happy but we fail to recognise it. We fail to recognise an live those moments because we are always focused on the future and some lofty goal.

   Learn to pay attention to the present, right now you might actually feel quite good, enjoy that. The present moment creates the future. If you fail to live the beauty of this moment , you fail the chance to create the beauty of the future moment. Out of worries we can’t create much…just more worries.

  There is no such thing as an insignificant life. Not from a divine perspective. These are human labels and eventually we have to evolve past them.

   You are here to do the best you can with what you have.This is the game you’re playing now. There will be other games, nothing is ever lost. 

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